
Chapter 1. Introduction: Qu'y puis-je ?

Chapter 2. Research context: Locating this study in the existing literature

Chapter 3. Methodology

Chapter 4. Learning from our failures: Lessons from FairCoop

Chapter 5. Different ways of being and relating: The Deep Adaptation Forum

Chapter 6. Towards new mistakes

Chapter 7. Conclusion


Annex 3.1 Participant Information Sheets

Annex 3.2 FairCoop Research Process

Annex 3.3 Using the Wenger-Trayner Evaluation Framework in DAF

Annex 4.1 A brief timeline of FairCoop

Annex 5.1 DAF Effect Data Indicators

Annex 5.2 DAF Value-Creation Stories

Annex 5.3 Case Study: The DAF Diversity and Decolonising Circle

Annex 5.4 Participants’ aspirations in DAF social learning spaces

Annex 5.5 Case Study: The DAF Research Team

Annex 5.6 RT Research Stream: Framing And Reframing Our Aspirations And Uncertainties


Why are we doing what we’re doing?
What do we hope to achieve?
What are the risks?
What assumptions to we base our work on?

This document is the result of an iterative framing process that took place within the DAF action research team (Wendy Freeman and Dorian Cavé), as a means for us to be more intentional and self-conscious about these questions, and others, as we carried out our research activities.

A first version of this document was produced from May to October 2021. We then revisited it in May 2022, after the end of our data collection phase, to reflect critically on how our assumptions and aspirations evolved over time. Finally, in December 2022, we edited this document to make it fit for publication, as an annex to Dorian’s thesis.

1. Scoping a frame and our own aspirations

In order to scope a frame of evaluation and identify our aspirations in the learning circle, we used the “working backwards” approach mentioned by Wenger-Trayer and Wenger-Trayner (2020, p.177), starting with Realised value-creation. We did so by considering the initial ground narrative (our view of the situation) for each value-creation cycle, and wrote down our corresponding aspirations (how we wished the situation to evolve).

What is the change we want to see happening as a result of this research project?
(Realised value)

“Through this research project...”

Initial ground narrative



... we have generated interest and awareness around this project through our interviews, online event and blog post

... let’s amplify and spread learning/changes, in individuals and groups within DAF, that may be relevant to radical social change

... let’s facilitate additional/improved functionality and interactions within DAF, relevant to people facing collapse, so that people chose to participate more in the forum.

... let’s foster learning citizenship in DAF, and invite people to join a ‘learning citizens’ group (creating interest in the potential for learning as citizens)

What practices or new collaborations need to happen for that change to take place? (Applied value)

“Through this research project...”

Initial ground narrative



... we have been sharing value-creation stories with participants for feedback and comments

... We have been providing a space to people to clarify their own DA journey, and make their own process more visible (to them and us)

... let’s do some experiments to try and amplify and spread changes that may be relevant to radical social change (transforming flows into loops, etc.)

... let’s share our insights in the forum more broadly and frequently to invite constructive feedback and participation

... let’s experiment with more public conversations around personal journeys of learning, where the public acknowledging and documenting of people's individual learning creates models and pathways inviting others


What sorts of insights/tools/methods/connections could we produce that will lead to these changes in practice? (Potential value)

“Through this research project...”

Initial ground narrative



... we have been collecting value-creation stories showing how people have learned in DAF, what is working for them or not

... we have been collecting survey results providing extra data and information on the kinds of learning that people are getting out of their participation

... We have been using Nextcloud (and other open-source software),

... let’s gain some clarity as regards the forms of social learning that are taking place in DAF, and figure out how these forms may be relevant to radical social change

... let’s gain an awareness of how these changes happen, and figure out if/how they can be replicated

(identifying flows and potential loops, etc.)

... let’s find out what resources have been most useful for people on their learning journey

How should we engage with each other to give ourselves a meaningful experience of working together to produce these kinds of resources? (Immediate value)

“Through this research project...”

Initial ground narrative



... we have been maintaining regular and generative communication, by meeting on a fortnightly basis, sharing insights and documents, and communicating using Nextcloud

... We have been following the DA meeting protocols

... let’s be clearer as regards the tasks and activities that each of us feels most meaningful and engaging

... let’s try to meet up and discuss this project in person!

... let’s remain committed to relationship-building as core to this work

What are the broader, transformative effects we may hope to bring about?
(Transformative value)

“Through this research project...”

Initial ground narrative



... We have found other people willing to discuss the topic of collapse

... let’s bring about deep, life-changing experiences in DAF participants

... let’s figure out ways to spread these forms of transformative changes to other networks

... let’s make it OK to be engaging with the topics of death and collapse publicly


What can we do to help people find their way toward self-transformation?
(Orienting value)

“Through this research project...”

Initial ground narrative



... we have begun to put together “gift questions” tailored to each interviewee

... We wrote a blog post about this research

... let’s have in-depth conversations with interviewees as regards their “gift questions”, a few months from now

... let’s make personal transformative change more visible in the network

... let’s put together a public database of value-creation stories that may help people situate themselves in the landscape of change and learning

... let’s record what others have found to be transformative information/resources

What can we do to enable people to better “learn how to learn”?
(Enabling value)

“Through this research project...”

Initial ground narrative



... we have started convening online events

... We wrote a blog post about this research

... let’s inspire more people to join the research effort and design strategies to amplify the learning

... let’s create more public research-dedicated spaces in the forum (including a new platform?)

... let’s convene other online events

... let’s foster learning citizenship in DAF

... let's introduce in DAF certain formats and processes enabling more conscious learning to crystallise.


What key stakeholders must we engage with to make this happen?
(Strategic value)

“Through this research project...”

Initial ground narrative



... we have been identifying important social learning spaces in the network to decide who to interview (D&D, Core Team, Facilitators, Moderators, Advocates, Task Group Initiators...)

... we have been interviewing volunteers, core team members, and a few regular participants

... we have been spreading questionnaires in the wider membership

... let’s gain a clearer understanding of what groups/areas/activities in DAF seem to be generating the deepest learning, to gain better insights

... let’s invite other social learning researchers to an online event in DAF

... let’s connect with people who left the network (or appear to have done so)

... let's make sure the whole network is informed about other networks or communities benefitting from DA awareness as a valid perspective to consider collapse

Following this stage, we decided that the key value-creation cycles we wished to focus on were: Potential, Applied, Realised, Enabling, and Orienting value-creation.

2. Framing our uncertainties

Then, we moved on to consider the circumstances that might prevent our aspirations from being achieved, or even create an opposite negative effect.

We reflected on:

  • Conditions, which need to be in place for aspirations to be achieved;
  • Risks, or negative unintended consequences that may arise, even if aspirations are achieved;
  • Assumptions, which may lead us to be mistaken as regards our aspirations, the conditions required, and the risks involved.

The following is an attempt at exploring those for the aspirations listed above. Aspirations identified in the previous step appear in the first column of the table.






... let’s be clearer as regards the tasks and activities that each of us feels most meaningful and engaging

... let’s try to meet up and discuss this project in person!

... let’s remain committed to relationship-building as core to this work

... Good communication

... Regular documentation and recording

... Common intentions, we’re on the same page

... We could spend too much time discussing who should do what

... Conflict could happen between us

... Not enough time to learn; missing activities

... We think that we are committed to this project

... There will be learning (fun, rewarding time...) coming from this collaboration

... Meeting up will be helpful to the research

... The relationship between us being created by the regular meetings and sharing, enables the action research work, but is also its own reward and provides benefits to all of us


... let’s gain some clarity as regards the forms of social learning that are taking place in DAF, and figure out how these forms may be relevant to radical social change

... let’s gain an awareness of how these changes happen, and figure out if/how they can be replicated (identifying flows and potential loops, etc.)

... let’s find out what resources have been most useful for people on their learning journey

... Good relationships with people willing to be interviewed

... Time and energy to collect and make sense of the data

... We must be open to spotting trends and new possibilities not described in the W&T model - be sensitive to what is changing, and try to capture anything that may not fit existing models

... We could be blinded by our prejudices or leap to conclusions, and thus not reach useful understandings of anything

... We could alienate people who we haven’t interviewed

... We have the skills and knowledge to make sense of the data we’re collecting

... Social learning can be tracked and mapped


... let’s do some experiments to try and amplify and spread changes that may be relevant to radical social change (transforming flows into loops, etc.)

... let’s share our insights in the forum more broadly and frequently to invite constructive feedback and participation

... let’s experiment with more public conversations around personal journeys of learning, where the public acknowledging and documenting of people's individual learning creates models and pathways inviting others

... No major conflicts happening in the community, which could prevent experiments/sharing to happen

... The community will keep going, with available spaces for connection and platforms fostering productive interactions

... Experiments could lead to breaches of confidentiality

... Some people could feel triggered by content shared in public conversations

... We misinterpret what is working, and push in a direction that doesn't work

... Experiments will yield useful results

... There is enough appetite for the topic of social learning in the forum for the project to receive feedback and attention


... let’s amplify and spread learning/changes, in individuals and groups within DAF, that may be relevant to radical social change

... let’s facilitate additional/improved functionality and interactions within DAF, relevant to people facing collapse, so that people chose to participate more in the forum.

... let’s foster learning citizenship in DAF, and invite people to join a ‘learning citizens’ group (creating interest in the potential for learning as citizens)

... The community will keep going, with available spaces for connection and platforms fostering productive interactions


... The network might grow too much, too fast, thus losing its identity and cohesion

... The learning angle might be considered too abstract/academic and reflect poorly on our research/DAF

... There is enough appetite in the topic

... Social learning is relevant to radical social change


... let’s inspire more people to join the research effort and design strategies to amplify the learning

... let’s create more public research-dedicated spaces in the forum

... let’s convene other online events

... let's introduce in DAF certain formats and processes enabling more conscious learning to crystallise.

... The community will keep going, with available spaces for connection and platforms fostering productive interactions

... Disagreements could break out regarding what type of learning is desirable

... Online events could feel unsafe to some people

... Online events and research spaces are useful to people’s learning


... let’s gain a clearer understanding of what groups/areas/activities in DAF seem to be generating the deepest learning, to gain better insights

... let’s invite other social learning researchers to an online event in DAF

... let’s connect with people who left the network (or appear to have done so)

... let's make sure the whole network is informed about other networks or communities benefiting from DA awareness as a valid perspective to consider collapse

... We have access to strategic stakeholders (e.g. people who left the network)

... Other social learning researchers have a favourable impression of our work and of DAF

... Revealing why some people left the network could lead more people to learn about certain issues, and leave

... Reputational risks for other researchers, who may not want to be associated with a collapse-aware community

... The people who left the network are willing to be contacted


... let’s have in-depth conversations with interviewees as regards their “gift questions”, a few months from now

... let’s make personal transformative change more visible in the network

... let’s put together a public database of value-creation stories that may help people situate themselves in the landscape of change and learning

... let’s record what others have found to be transformative information/resources

... Access to tools for broadcasting and documenting our findings

... Stories of transformative change could bring about unwelcome attention from suspicious gov’t agencies


... Transformative change is happening in the network

... Access to stories of change and resources is useful to people’s learning


... let’s bring about deep, life-changing experiences in DAF participants

... let’s figure out ways to spread these forms of transformative changes to other networks

... let’s make it OK to be engaging with the topics of death and collapse publicly

... Other networks are willing to connect and/or be associated with DAF

... we alienate people, who then leave the network

... Too much engagement with topics of death and collapse makes people commit self-harm

... It is possible to experience transformative change thanks to DAF

... Topics of death and collapse can bring about deep changes in people

3. Framing our attention to feedback

In this third step, we considered the question of how we would know that an aspiration had been achieved – in other words, what effect data indicators would indicate progress, or lack thereof.

Through our iterative cycles of reflection on this question, our lists of indicators kept evolving. The ones listed below are the final ones we agreed to, in our May 2022 review, prior to my writing the full case study presented in Annex 5.5. On the same document, each of us also wrote comments, asynchronously, on the value-creation we considered had taken place through our social learning space, on the basis of these indicators. These comments are summarised in the third column below, preceded with a “+” for positive value-creation; “-” for negative value-creation; and “0” for the absence of value-creation.

Value-creation cycles that appear in grey are those we have not considered within our primary scope (see Section 1 above).



Assessed value-creation


... let’s be clearer as regards the tasks and activities that each of us feels most meaningful and engaging

... let’s try to meet up and discuss this project in person!

... let’s remain committed to relationship-building as core to this work


  • We use a common to-do list to keep track of things
  • We experience strong mutual trust
  • We met in person and spent time discussing the project face-to-face
  • We feel satisfaction as regards the extent of our respective involvement and ownership of this research
  • We want to continue working on this project together after Oct.2022

+ We’ve managed to build trust among us and keep building our relationship through this research – for example by meeting in person!

- Our participation in this project has been unequal, due to different availability in terms of time and energy levels, but also due to different degrees of involvement


... let’s gain some clarity as regards the forms of social learning that are taking place in DAF, and figure out how these forms may be relevant to radical social change

... let’s gain an awareness of how these changes happen, and figure out if/how they can be replicated

(identifying flows and potential loops, etc.)

  • We are starting to have an idea of how to answer our main research questions
  • We can use various ways (including graphs, text, events etc.) to share our research findings
  • We have created public learning assets
  • We have become better at noticing moments that indicate a radical change

+ We have started to identify some important factors that favoured social learning in the D&D circle (and perhaps further afield: role of relationship-building, small teams, etc.)

+ The data is clear (e.g. from the CAS survey): change is obvious

- What is the level of changed awareness for research subjects? We can’t specifically connect collapse “processing” with being in our research - but we did find volunteers process to a deeper level of collapse…

+ We are starting to get an idea of some things that have been making people want to leave the network


... let’s do some experiments to try and amplify and spread changes that may be relevant to radical social change (transforming flows into loops, etc.)

... let’s share our insights in the forum more broadly and frequently to invite constructive feedback and participation

... let’s experiment with more public conversations around personal journeys of learning, where the public acknowledging and documenting of people's individual learning creates models and pathways inviting others

  • We have undertaken new initiatives as part of our research
  • We have been gauging the extent to which our initiatives have been successful
  • We have created a platform enabling others to learn and share their learning
  • We have convened new social learning spaces in DAF
  • We embody the Action Research ethos and awareness as much as possible wherever we interact

+ We have been successful in the D&D circle, and with Conscious learning interviews/blog, which may be the process that led to the DA Academy Circle?

+ Feedback we received on the first, last, and D&D meetings (in the Festival) were excellent. Maybe this was a “failure” leading to a change – we might have got the most learning doing a group review (of our own learnings from the whole Festival) than from the individual/presentation sessions?

+ We have had success initiating some public events on learning as part of the Festival, thus potentially transforming some flows into loops

0 We didn’t succeed in our “gift questions” intervention (lack of time/energy?)


... let’s amplify and spread learning/changes, in individuals and groups within DAF, that may be relevant to radical collective change

... let’s facilitate additional/improved functionality and interactions within DAF, relevant to people facing collapse, so that people chose to participate more in the forum.

... let’s foster learning citizenship in DAF, and invite people to join a ‘learning citizens’ group (creating interest in the potential for learning as citizens)

  • Statements mentioning uncomfortable changes or experiences for stakeholders
  • Statements mentioning generative changes happening for others (e.g. better informed; grateful; deeper commitment to DAF)
  • New public learning assets are created by others as a result of our initiatives
  • New social learning spaces are convened by others as a result of our initiatives
  • New projects or collaborations are initiated by others as a result of our initiatives
  • A group of regular attendees take part in the learning-focused events we organise and express the wish to go deeper into those conversations
  • Others engage in brokering between DAF and other learning spaces, or between existing learning spaces in DAF, as a result of our initiatives

+ Many tools and meetings were set up during out research and different blog posts shared.

0/- Did people participate more in the forum thanks to us? Did people take some of the unlearning and leave?

+ A few stories from people saying they benefited from our research activities

- We generated discomfort in one “influential DAF participant” as a result of our activities

0 The Conscious Learning Blog hasn’t drawn much attention apparently (few comments, few contributions outside those we actively invited)

0 The public conversations we initiated don’t seem to have encouraged many other people to do the same

0 Nobody saying they joined DAF thanks to what we produced: Not sure our “learning assets” travelled further outside of DAF?


... let’s inspire more people to join the research effort and design strategies to amplify the learning

... let’s create more public research-dedicated spaces in the forum (including a new platform?)

... let’s convene social-learning-focused online events

... let’s foster learning citizenship in DAF

... let's introduce in DAF certain formats and processes enabling more conscious learning to crystallise.

  • More people join us to design strategies meant to amplify and deepen the learning
  • A new platform and other research-dedicated spaces are created in the forum
  • We convene online events, and they are well-attended
  • We connect regularly to reflect and share our thoughts on how we are doing with respect to our goals, and what we have been learning
  • We embrace the diversity of experiences and perspectives that people bring to social learning

+ Regular audience in the D&D learning circle and at conscious learning calls

0 Did people feel enabled enough – did they have the tools, meeting admin, Zoom, event planning skills etc, to setup more similar events, on their own?

+ A new blog dedicated to learning now exists in DAF

0 Few people actively joined us as co-researchers


... let’s gain a clearer understanding of what groups/areas/activities in DAF seem to be generating the deepest learning, to gain better insights

... let’s invite other social learning researchers to an online event in DAF

... let’s connect with people who left the network (or appear to have done so)

... let's make sure the whole network is informed about other networks or communities benefitting from DA awareness as a valid perspective to consider collapse

  • We are able to have conversations with interviewees about their gift questions, and they report meaningful insights from these questions
  • We can state with confidence which groups/areas/activities generate the deepest learning in DAF
  • An online event with other social learning researchers is organised
  • We are able to meaningfully connect with people having left DAF and communicate on the reasons they left

+ We noticed Earth listening has a strong effect. Also, from our D&D circle (and others), that meeting style seems to have an effect on enabling unlearning...
does relationship forming lead to the safety to learn? And watching live interviews seemed very popular ?

+ We have connected with people who left DAF

0 Do we actually know exactly why people left DAF? And was their unlearning “complete”?

0 Unsure which groups/areas are generating the deepest learning in DAF

0 Little interaction with other social learning researchers


... let’s have in-depth conversations with interviewees as regards their “gift questions”, a few months from now

... let’s make personal transformative change more visible in the network

... let’s put together a public database of value-creation stories that may help people situate themselves in the landscape of change and learning

... let’s record what others have found to be transformative information/resources

  • We learn about social learning evaluation projects taking place in other contexts, and gain inspiration from them

+ We did have some of the gift question calls – and some additional input from emails about the gift questions

0 More could have come from gift questions? Perhaps us having more relationship with subjects, so they committed to pay attention to the gift questions? To use them for unlearning – or unpacking learning?

+ A database of value-creation stories now exists

0 Is the CL blog useful to people?

0 Transformative change is not more visible thanks to us?


... let’s bring about deep, life-changing experiences in DAF participants

... let’s figure out ways to spread these forms of transformative changes to other networks

... let’s make it OK to be engaging with the topics of death and collapse publicly

  • People report having life-changing experiences/insights thanks to our research
  • We develop a set of guidelines/methodologies on transformative change that is shared within other networks
  • People engage publicly with the topics of death and collapse in other networks/spaces, and refer to our research in doing so

+ One report of a possibly life-changing experience occurring thanks to our research

0 We did not progress to a “guidelines/methodologies” level – not from lack of attention (is this even possible?).

0 We haven’t influenced other networks/spaces yet

4. What we had missed

In May 2022, we also reconsidered the list of aspirations, conditions, risks, and assumptions that we had laid out previous (Sections 1 and 2), to reflect on what we had missed.

Firstly, we found that even though we did foresee the risk of our public events being a source of discomfort for some participants (or non-participants), this still happened unexpectedly on one occasion (see Annex 5.5, Section 3.1.6). This showed that we could have exercised more caution in managing this risk.

Secondly, in launching our initiatives, we seem to have overestimated our own capacity to carry out the various ideas we had in mind (e.g. the “gift questions” project).

Thirdly, we also realised that the aspirations we formulated for the Orienting cycle were not, in fact, reflective of “Orienting value-creation” as defined in the Wenger-Trayner theory of social learning. Therefore, in writing up the case study analysis, I moved these aspirations into the “Enabling” category (Annex 5.5, Section 3.1.7).