Mado is an independent arts collective, based in France.
We offer people new windows into our messed-up world, and aim to sow the seeds of emancipatory social and political change.

A Silenced History:
Climate, Race, and Colonies

April 2023. English language with French subtitles.

A Silenced History is the first film by Mado Collective.

In this self-funded documentary, extensively researched and created on the basis of hundreds of videos and academic sources, we show how racism and colonialism are heavily at play in global heating and the global social and ecological catastrophe taking place nowadays. We also suggest some ideas on how to face into these deep-seated issues, and how to start composting the toxic cultural elements that keep things like racism in place, individually and collectively.

This video is accompanied by a detailed resource sheet, which provides details about every single resource we have used to create this video. These resources include online videos, and images, as well as academic reports, and other resources that we invite the viewer to consult in order to further explore the topics we are addressing in this work.

Download the resource sheet here.

If you notice anything missing or any inaccuracies, please let us know!

Mado Collective can be contacted at: mado {at} riseup {dot} net